Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hugh Napier and Stones

The last few days have been busy. Yesterday morning Hugh napier came over from Boston Lodge to be shown to the great and the good from the National Trust who are the owners so I got some shots of it chuffing up and down in harbour Station, you can see them here.

Yesterday also marked the end of the Cob widening works so I have been busy finishing the progress report and also working on the time lapse compilation. Both of these will be put together on a DVD as a record of this historical event.

Here is a photo taken by Andrew Thomas of the view finder of the video camera while we were waiting for Lyd to arrive, last week.

This morning a large works train went up the FR which I shot at Gwyndy Bank and then at the power station. It was a bit on the misty side but it was an unusual train.

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