Friday, 24 February 2012

Rock lobster

I've been working on the Cob Widening DVD today, work on the Cob is getting on for finished and we will be releasing all of Dr Spinola's time lapse sequences as one epic. On the DVD we will speed them up by 4 times and the 16 times and then 64 times. This sounds like a waste but you actually get a completely different sense of the work going on at the different speeds. Included on the disk will be a 15 minute version of my Youtube reports covering the whole construction process. It is this that I've been editing today.

I've also been out with the camera getting some more shots to add to the finished report, I went over to Snowdon Wharf and got some long shots.

This was the view from the wharf early on in the work.

This was about mid day today, you can see the progress in the rock armour.

A couple of hours later and the sun had come out so a walk accross the Cob was in order; sunshine makes such a difference to a picture.

I've also made a fist attempt at the cover artwork. It needs a barcode generating and adding but apart from that I'm pretty happy with it.

The cover picture is a still taken by Andrew Thomas rather than a video frame, these don't always blow up well enough to make a cover from. I was standing beside him videoing when he took it though.

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