Thursday, 16 February 2012

Taking the Lyd off

I'm back at Harbour Station now and I've uploaded all the footage I shot this morning and edited one of the two packages I went to shoot. The one I've finished is being rendered as I type; this means it is being reduced from the individual shots in their edited order complete with sound tracks and video overlays to one single file. In this instance it is a WAV so that it can be uploaded to Youtube. This package won't be available to the public but has been made to show some of the work Boston Lodge can do to a potential customer abroad.

This is Paul Lewin talking to the camera about prepping Lyd for a trip out tomorrow. He has a radio clip microphone on so that his speech is recorded cleanly and at a consistent level. This is recorded onto one audio channel on the camera while the second is taking the ambient sound via the camera mounted mic. When I get to edit this chapter I will also use some stereo ambient sounds which I recorded separately on a small digital audio recorder. Using the editing software I can balance all three sources to make a convincing audio track.

You can see the radio receiver mounted on top of the camera with the two small aerials sticking up.

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