Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Stones and then more stones

I've been starting to put together Dr Spinola's time lapse pictures into a format that will work on video. This includes adding the date and 'chapterising' the whole thing. I've got as far as day 27 at the moment.

One of the ideas for a way to release the time lapse sequence is to have a separate DVD with the whole thing on at various frame rates so that it plays at different speeds. The fastest I've sped it up to so far means that the 27 days takes about 21 seconds. The tide coming and going looks like waves. It looks amazing and the rock just shoots out along the Cob.

Tomorrow I'm off to Boston Lodge to shoot the final chapter of the new Lyd video. This will be Paul Lewin talking about the loco while preparing it for a run to Caernarfon on Friday, depending on the weather I may go and get some shots of this too.


Colin Lea said...

Hi John. Great idea this blog. Any idea when the. We edition of the lyd book will be available? Thanks Colin

Festshopman said...

Hello. We have copies of the 2nd edition in stock. Still £15. Same book, different cover. Coming soon, Garratts and Kalaharis of the WHR. Should be a cracker.